From the President

by Jerry Gintz
What will Form 1095-C bring to our practices?
More work, for certain. More data entry is assured. More uncertain clients are likely. My office is preparing for a significant uptick in business, as a result of all three of these plausible outplays. With about 69 million tax returns prepared by a third party and about 43 million self-prepared, there could be a large request for third-party help, due to the ACA impact. If just 10% of the 43 million selfies were to seek help……..well, you do the math for your firm. That would bring a significant impact on my staff and current process.
None of us (or anyone for that matter) knows for sure what will transpire next filing season. The best we can do is plan, based on our own individual outlook. Re-evaluating your workflow and processes, along with infrastructure, may be in order now more than ever.
If you value technology, like my office does, then you appreciate those occasional recommendations that come from others, the internet, seminars or the other sources, that actually add efficiency and value to your work and/or processes. To have such recommendations come from a peer, tested and proven in his or her own practice is all the better. We have a unique opportunity to get a concentrated number of recommendations about workflow and office infrastructure (technology if you will) from a peer, on June 20, 2014 at the Hotel Murano in Tacoma, WA, from our own practice peer, Bob Jennings, CPA, EA, CFP. (click here for the details) Love it or hate it, the ACA (Affordable Care Act) is upon us and our role is to engage in the processing of lots of information. We’re good at it. It’s what we do. We need to be as ready as ever, as confusion abounds now and will likely still be in play next filing season. Fee adjustments, added staff, more hardware, better technology to streamline the workflow; all of these will be worthy of strong consideration over the next few months. Get some of the best practice management advice available, from a hands-on expert. We don’t get to see this seminar more than about once every 3-4 years, in an age where computing capacity doubles every 18 months (Moore’s Law). Don’t miss this one. And, if you have that tech-savvy staff person, we have great staff pricing, so you can bring him or her along. (Click here to register, now!) Seating is limited.
See you there!