
by Charles Grass, Vice President

Leadership - an Exceptional Opportunity:

One of the very best, yet least understood opportunities WAA has to offer their members is its leadership development track. This is one of the finest and most user friendly leadership tracks one could engage in. Many of us accountants (owners of small firms) don’t have the opportunity, or take advantage of the opportunity, to grow in areas where we are actually well equipped to play roles and should play roles.  WAA’s leadership track is just that opportunity.  Especially for the younger accountant (Generation X / Generation Y), this is an outstanding entry point into making a difference and honing leadership skills; all the way from running a meeting to becoming a leader who can inspire.      

WAA has an annual, invitation only, Leadership Conference every spring.  This highly acclaimed conference occurs this year on May 17th & 18th, starting with an informal meet and greet the evening before (May 16th) and is followed immediately by Committee Daze (an opportunity to apply what you have learned) on Friday, May 17th & Saturday, May 18th.  The location this year is the Renton Holiday Inn.  Historically, Leadership has covered topics including History of WAA, Chapter Management, Long Range Plan, Education Update, a spirited contest (based on what you have learned), as well as technology updates regarding our website.

This year, in keeping with the Board and President Gintz’s initiative to increase the relevance of WAA, not only to the Boomer generation, but particularly with the GenX and GenY groups, the topics are targeted toward running an effective and efficient meeting (one that brings value to attendees), the future of WAA and chapter management.  

Chapter leadership position terms are for one year.  The chapter leadership team plans and arranges chapter meetings, meeting speakers, and other chapter events.  Being part of this team gives you direct say in speakers and topics for meetings and annual mini seminars.

State Board positions are two year terms.  With professional association management in place, the board has the opportunity to spend time developing vision and strategy for WAA.  This is important work and is made efficient through technology and solid management (we conduct most board meetings via WebEx – very efficient!)  The state board sets policy and direction for the organization and guidance for the management firm.  

If you are not tapped on the shoulder, for leadership participation, by someone who thinks you are a strong candidate, don’t wait for that to happen – express your interest to any current leader and they will make sure you are invited to this exceptional career enhancing event.