Compiled by Janet Fix

Northwest Chapter

Every tax preparer gets interesting requests and comments.  Here are four from NW Chapter:

Client: Don't I get a refund???
Preparer: NO, remember last year when you started your new business I told you that you would need to send in money to cover your taxes?
Client: Yes
Preparer: Because when you work for a company, they take out the taxes before they give you your paycheck. But when you own the company you have to send in the taxes yourself.
Client: I remember you said that.
Preparer: Did you send anything in during the year?
Client: No
Preparer: That's why there's no refund. It’s like a bank account. If you don't put anything in, you can't get anything out.
Client: But I don't want to pay. I want a refund.
Preparer:  Don't we all!

Client: Hey, I got a higher refund last year!
Preparer: I told you last year that when your son moved out and your daughter got married that you would lose those deductions.
Client: Can't I claim them anyway?
Preparer: No, you didn't support them, and they didn't live with you. Also, you had less taken from your paycheck this year.
Client: But I need more money. Can't you make my refund higher?
Preparer: Not legally, no.
Client: Maybe another tax person could get me a better refund.
Preparer: Go ahead. Have a nice day.

Client: I need an appointment right away.
Preparer: I'm booked solid for the next 3 days, except for one slot at 4 PM on Friday.
Client: I need my taxes done by Monday so that I can file for education financial aid. Friday doesn't work for me. Can't you take me tomorrow?
Preparer: No, I'm booked solid tomorrow. I only have 4 PM on Friday.
Client: What if I send you my W-2 by internet?
Preparer: Your file shows you had a complex return last year, a business, and several rental houses. It’s going to take more than an hour.
Client: Couldn't you stay up late and do it after the other people left?
Preparer: How long have you known about needing it this Monday?
Client: Oh, a few months.
Preparer: Why didn't you call me earlier?
Client: I was busy.

A client came in this morning:
Client: I only have a W-2 this year.
Preparer: OK
Client: I also got a bonus at work.
Preparer: The bonus amount will already be on the W-2.
Client: I didn't get the bonus from that job.
Preparer: What job did you get it from?
Client: I did some work after hours, for friends.
Preparer: Then that's self employment.
Client: I don't want to tell IRS about my side jobs. Can't you just add it to the W-2 from my job?
Preparer: No, the money didn't come from that company.
Client: Can't you just change the W-2 so it looks like it did?
Preparer: No.
Client: Last year my tax person did that.
Preparer: No, she didn't.
Client: I'm sure she did.
Preparer: My file shows you came to me last year, and it shows self employment in addition to your job.